Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lonely Poem: Lonely Cry of a Abandoned Soul

Darkness turns to light, but I still don't feel the warmth

Why have the flowers betrayed me?
As their petal fell from my stiff hands, it was declared that you loved me, but clearly you love me not.

The freezing waterfalls pour from my ice cold eyes piercing my face.
The sudden rush of feeling anything at all forces me to realize I must use my head, not my heart.
Maybe my emotions will return to my stone face, carved into a strained smile.

Do I have reason to live?
He gave me passion, he was my inspiration.
Now that he is gone, meaning has disappeared.
The world has blocked me out…no, I have blocked it out.

For the world contains him.
For the world contains pain.
And I am already queen of that.

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